Monday, June 25, 2018

No Bake Strawberry Icebox Cake

Looking for a quick and easy Spring/Summer dessert recipe? Try out delicious No Bake Strawberry Icebox Cake ! 

When it comes to friendships, I feel blessed to know that I have met some wonderful people over the years – each one unique and special in its own way.

Most of them are the friends I’ve known since childhood – I think these friendships have some special line. There are the friends I made in high school or college, those that spent hours preparing for an exam, playing basketball or running with me. The roommates who were my second family. And of course, there are the friends I’ve made because of this blogging world, who share my passion for cooking and baking, and all things food.

You know that as people get older, they get more stubborn, and so some of my best friends are born stubborn in their refusal to try new things. Can you image the look on their faces when I mentioned that i’m planning to make something with Brussels sprouts or asparagus over the weekend ??  Priceless ...

  • 19 oz graham crackers
  • 2 pounds fresh strawberries
  • 3½ cups heavy cream
  • 1 banana, sliced thin
  • ½ cup powdered sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • ¼ tsp salt
  1. Cream powdered sugar, vanilla, and salt with the heavy cream in the bowl of a stand mixer. Beat until the cream mixture holds stiff peaks.
  2. Spread a thin layer of heavy cream mix in a 9x13 pan just to coat the bottom.
  3. Layer 5 graham crackers across the center of the pan, then 2 more,breaking them as needed to fit around the top and bottom edges.
  4. Spread a thick layer of heavy cream mix over grahams and top with a hearty layer of sliced strawberries.
  5. Place graham crackers on top of strawberries, then heavy cream mix, then layer of thinly sliced bananas.
  6. Repeat the graham-strawberries-cream layers 1 more time (3 times total) and you should reach the top of the pan.
  7. Please visit No Bake Strawberry Icebox Cake for full instructions.

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